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Debunking Spooky Skincare Myths

A smiling orange pumpkin wearing a white towel around its stem with undereye skincare pads under its closed eyes.

The world of skincare, like any other, can be full of misleading information. With the influx of “expert” TikTok knowledge that often floods the For You Pages of beauty-loving gurus and the like, it’s easy to fall into the traps of skincare tricks. With Halloween around the corner, we’re delving into and debunking eight of the spookiest skincare myths that can haunt your self-care routines.

Myth One: SPF is Only Needed on Sunny Days Skincare Truth: Even if the sun isn’t strongly shining as much as it does on a perfect summer day, it doesn’t mean you can skip the SPF before heading out. UVA and UVB rays stay with us all-year round regardless of cloud coverage and cooler temperatures. In fact, up to 90% of UV rays can penetrate even the lightest clouds. These fluffy, white puffs may reduce your exposure to sun, but they don’t provide as much UV protection as you think. Wearing daily SPF helps reflect these harmful rays and shields skin, reducing the risk of skin damage. 

Myth Two: Acne is Caused by Not Cleansing Your Face

Skincare Truth: Proper skin hygiene plays a vital role in skin health, but it isn’t the only factor that can lead to clogged pores and frequent breakouts. Fluctuations in hormones, menstrual cycles, periods of stress and fatigue, genetics, excess oil production, and diet are just some of the other contributors of acne. In short, not washing your face may lead to the formation of pustules, papules, and other types of pimples, but it doesn’t directly cause it.  

Myth Three: You Can Skip Moisturizing if You Have Oily Skin

Skincare Truth: While different skin types require varying products, all skin needs proper daily moisturization. If you’re oily, acne-prone, or sensitive, you may think you can skip out on hydrating products, but refusing to incorporate a moisturizer into your routine can cause more harm than you think. Moisturizing helps maintain the skin’s natural barrier, improving hydration and preventing drying and irritation, so think twice about skipping out on applying it! Choose a moisturizer that’s suitable to your skin type and prepare to embrace a soft and supple glow.

Myth Four: Cleansing More Frequently Will Result in Clearer Skin

Skincare Truth: Another spooky skincare myth is that washing your face more frequently will lead to clearer skin, but it can have the opposite effect! Cleansing more than twice a day can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to irritation, dryness, and even increased oil production to make up for what’s been lost. For optimal results, wash your skin twice a day in both the morning and evening and use a cleanser that’s suitable to your skin type. This ensures that impurities are being lathered away while leaving behind enough sebum to provide natural moisture across the skin.  

Myth Fix: Eye Creams Are Not Effective 

Skincare Truth: If you choose an eye cream that’s suitable to your skin type and contains the right ingredients for nourishing this delicate area, then these products can be effective in addressing specific skin concerns such as dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines. The key is to keep this area plump, firm, and bright. When browsing for an eye cream, keep in mind that ingredients such as peptides, antioxidants, and ceramides are what you want to be scratching off your mental checklist. And remember: a little eye cream goes a long way! 

Myth Six: Exfoliating Devices Should Be Used Every Day Skincare Truth: Exfoliating devices may feel luxurious against your skin daily but incorporating them into your routine too often is not recommended, as they can disrupt the skin’s natural moisture barrier. More aggressive brush heads can also cause microtears in the skin, which can increase the risk of skin irritation and inflammation. And to add to that, exfoliating devices can harbor bacteria if not cared for properly and can potentially worsen skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. If you are, however, particularly keen on these devices, reduce their use to one to two times a week. Alternatively, you can incorporate gentle chemical exfoliants into your routine to help shed damaged and dead skin cells. 

Myth Seven: Retinol Is Not Needed Before Age 50

Skincare Truth: Waiting until age 50 or older to start using retinol in your skincare routine won’t be nearly as effective as incorporating it in your mid to late 20s or even early 30s. This is the time when many start to see the early signs of aging, as the body begins producing less collagen during these years. We may not be able to prevent natural signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles, but we can surely help delay their appearance on the skin! And if you’re new to incorporating retinol into your routine, slowly introduce a low concentration of it two to three times a week and gradually increase frequency to allow your skin to adjust.

Myth Eight: The Order You Apply Skincare Does Not Matter

Skincare Truth: Our last spooky skincare myth is that many believe the order they apply their skincare doesn’t matter if the right products are incorporated. This is, of course, false. Applying your skincare in the correct order maximizes their effectiveness. Applying your products in the correct order ensures that lighter formulas such as toners and serums can easily penetrate the skin while heavier creams are the final step, locking in moisture and sealing every product together seamlessly. 

Thanks for reading, ghouls and gals! We hope this blog post helped separate skincare fact from fiction and that we’ve provided you with the clarity needed to navigate the complicated realm of skincare with confidence. And remember: trust in scientific-based skincare research over social media reposts and superstitions. Until next time! 

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